Being contracted to correct and complete design done by others for a nearly completed aquaculture service vessel, ICE found it necessary to obtain licenses and quickly learn how to use the ShipConstructor 3-D software used for the vessel.

ICE’s scope of work included detailed investigation of status of the partly constructed vessel, updating of the existing Ship Constructor 3-D model, and producing corrected and remaining detail design drawings.

Marcel Negraia, ICE’s Project Manager, says: “The on-site investigation started at the end of February this year, just before the lockdown was announced. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic our team had to return to Romania and was placed in quarantine for 2 weeks. We coped as best as we could with the situation and in spite the remote working and the fact that we were using the ShipConstructor software for the first time, we delivered construction and fabrication drawings on budget and time. “


#ICE #MarineDesign #ICEMarineDesign #IcepronavEngineering #ShipDesign #NavalArchitecture
#ShipConstructor #3Dmodel #detaildesign #aquaculture #servicevessel #MaritimeIndustry
